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Text File  |  1992-09-02  |  7KB  |  196 lines

  1. ; This is the equipment list file, with things found in the order in which they appear
  2. ; in the player's handbook.  Feel free to re-arrange them it makes no difference to the
  3. ; program.  All lines starting with a ; are comment lines, and all comment lines must be
  4. ; at the start of the file.  There should be no blank lines.  Keep item names to 15 chars
  5. ; or less.
  6. ; Item         Cost            Weight (0 if not given or you don't care)
  7. Belt           0.3             0
  8. Boots,Riding   3               0
  9. Boots,Soft     1               0
  10. Breeches       2               0
  11. Cap            0.1             0
  12. Cloak,Cloth    0.8             0
  13. Cloak,Fine_fur 50              0
  14. Girdle         3               0
  15. Gloves         1               0
  16. Gown,common    1.2             0
  17. Hose           2               0
  18. Knife_sheath   0.03            0
  19. Plain_brooch   10              0
  20. Robe,Common    0.9             0
  21. Robe,Embroid.  20              0
  22. Sandals        0.05            0
  23. Sash           0.2             0
  24. Shoes          1               0
  25. Silk_jacket    80              0
  26. Surcoat        0.6             0
  27. Sword_scabbard 4               0
  28. Tabard         0.6             0
  29. Toga,course    0.08            0
  30. Tunic          0.8             0
  31. Vest           0.6             0
  32. Rations,1_week 10              0
  33. Bit_and_Bridle 1.5             3
  34. Halter         0.05            0.1
  35. Horseshoes     1               10
  36. Saddle,pack    5               15
  37. Saddle.riding  10              35
  38. Saddle_Bags,lg 4               8
  39. Saddle_Bags,sm 3               5
  40. Saddle_blanket 0.3             4
  41. Yoke,Horse     5               15
  42. Yoke,Ox        3               20
  43. Canoe,small    30              0
  44. Canoe,war      50              0
  45. Oar,common     2               5
  46. Raft,sm_keelbt 100             0
  47. Backpack       2               2
  48. Barrel,small   2               30
  49. Basket,Large   0.3             1
  50. Basket,Small   0.05            0.1
  51. Bell           1               0
  52. Belt_pouch,Lg  1               1
  53. Belt_pouch,Sm  0.7             0.5
  54. Block_&_Tackle 5               5
  55. Bolt_case      1               1
  56. Bucket         0.5             3
  57. Chain,hvy(1ft) 4               3
  58. Chain,lt(1ft)  3               1
  59. Chest,large    2               25
  60. Chest,small    1               10
  61. Candle         0.01            0.1
  62. Canvas(sq.yd)  0.4             1
  63. Chalk          0.01            0.1
  64. Crampons       4               2
  65. Fishhook       0.1             0.01
  66. Fishnet,10sqft 4               5
  67. Flint_&_steel  0.5             0.1
  68. Glass_bottle   10              0.1
  69. Grappling_hook 0.8             4
  70. Holy_item      25              0.1
  71. Iron_pot       0.5             2
  72. Ladder,10ft    0.05            20
  73. Lantern,bullsi 12              3
  74. Lantern,hooded 7               2
  75. Lock,poor      20              1
  76. Map,scroll_cas 0.8             0.5
  77. Merchant_scale 2               1
  78. Mirror,sm_met. 10              0.1
  79. Oil,Greek_fire 10              2
  80. Oil,flask,Lamp 0.06            1
  81. Paper,sheet    2               0.01
  82. Papyrus,sheet  0.8             0.01
  83. Parchment,sht  1               0.01
  84. Perfume,vial   5               0.1
  85. Piton          0.03            0.5
  86. Quiver         0.8             1
  87. Rope,hemp      1               20
  88. Rope,silk      10              8
  89. Sack,large     0.2             0.5
  90. Sack,small     0.05            0.1
  91. Signal_whistle 0.8             0.1
  92. Soap,1_lb      0.5             1
  93. Tent,large     25              20
  94. Tent,small     5               10
  95. Thieves'_picks 30              1
  96. Torch          0.01            1
  97. Whetstone      0.02            1
  98. Wineskin       0.8             1
  99. Winter_blanket 0.5             3
  100. Write_ink,vial 8               0.1
  101. Cat            0.1             0
  102. Dog,guard      25              0
  103. Dog,hunting    17              0
  104. Dog,War         20              0
  105. Donkey,mule     8               0
  106. Horse,Lt_war    150             0
  107. Horse,riding   75              0
  108. Pony           30              0
  109. Brigandine     120             35
  110. Chain_mail     75              40
  111. Helm,great     30              10
  112. Helm,basinet   8               5
  113. Hide           15              30
  114. Leather        5               15
  115. Padded         4               10
  116. Ring_mail      100             30
  117. Scale_mail     120             40
  118. Shield,body    10              15
  119. Shield,buckler 1               3
  120. Shield,medium  7               10
  121. Shield,small   3               5
  122. Splint_mail    80              40
  123. Studded_lthr   20              25
  124. Arquebus        500             10
  125. Battle_axe      5               7
  126. Blowgun         5               2
  127. -Barbed_dart,10 1               1
  128. -Needle,10      0.2             1
  129. Longbow         75              3
  130. Longbow,Comp    100             3
  131. Shortbow        30              2
  132. Shortbow,Comp   75              2
  133. Flight_arrow,12 0.3             1.2
  134. Sheaf_arrow,6   0.3             0.6
  135. Club            0               3
  136. Crossbow,heavy  50              14
  137. Crossbow,light  35              7
  138. Crossbow,hand   300             3
  139. Quarrel,hand    1               0.1
  140. Quarrel,hvy,5   1               0.5
  141. Quarrel,lt,5    0.5             0.5
  142. Dagger          2               1
  143. Dart            0.5             0.5
  144. Flail,Footmans  15              15
  145. Flail,Horsemans 8               5
  146. Hand_axe        1               5
  147. Harpoon         20              6
  148. Javelin         0.5             2
  149. Knife           0.5             0.5
  150. Lance,heavy     15              15
  151. Lance,mdm       10              10
  152. Lance,light     6               5
  153. Lance,jousting  20              20
  154. Mace,Footmans   8               10
  155. Mace,Horsemans  5               6
  156. Mancatcher      30              8
  157. Morning_star    10              12
  158. Pick,Footmans   8               6
  159. Pick,Horsemans  7               4
  160. PA:Awl_pike     5               12
  161. PA:Bardiche     7               12
  162. PA:Bec_de_corb  8               10
  163. PA:Bill-guisarm 7               15
  164. PA:Fauchard     5               7
  165. PA:Fauchard-frk 8               9
  166. PA:Glaive       6               8
  167. PA:Glaive-Gsm   10              10
  168. PA:Guisarme     5               8
  169. PA:Gsm-voulge   8               15
  170. PA:Halberd      10              15
  171. PA:Hook_fauchrd 10              8
  172. PA:Lucern_hamer 7               15
  173. PA:Military_frk 5               7
  174. PA:Partisan     10              8
  175. PA:Ranseur      6               7
  176. PA:Spetum       5               7
  177. PA:Voulge       5               12
  178. Quarterstaff    0               4
  179. Scourge         1               2
  180. Sickle          0.6             3
  181. Sling           0.05            0.1
  182. Sling_bullet,10 0.1             5
  183. Sling_stone,10  0               5
  184. Spear           0.8             5
  185. Staff_sling     0.2             2
  186. Swd:Bastard     25              10
  187. Swd:Broad       15              5
  188. Swd:Khopesh     10              7
  189. Swd:Long        15              4
  190. Swd:Scimitar    15              4
  191. Swd:Short       10              3
  192. Swd:2-handed    50              15
  193. Trident         15              5
  194. Warhammer       2               6
  195. Whip            0.1             2